Current League Progress

You can see my real-time profile here. Currently ranked top 500 in the region for 3v3 random!

1v1 Gold league to Diamond league chronology

March 29th, 2011
Diamond league! I played my first placement match for Season 2 today and I was greeted by this announcement after the game. I've got to say, it has been a long time coming. 

February 21st, 2011
I made it out of the Gold league! Didn't get a chance to capture the announcement due to the excitement.

Previous Rankings
I was placed in Gold when I started playing in September 2010. I didn't play too many ranked 1v1's but I did focus on improving from each one that I played. I generally got placed against Gold league players when I started. This is an indication that my skill level was not improving at the time.

This screenshot was taken in January. I was being placed against Platinum players at the time

If you are wondering how a Gold level player got into the 2v2 Diamond league check out this post: Killer 2v2 Strategy